



Traditional Annual Report(典型的なアニュアルレポート)

Summary Annual Report(要約された短めのアニュアルレポート)
1)    のような典型的なレポートをギュッと凝縮した短いレポートです。

10-K Wrap(10-K ラップ)
Traditional Annual Reportに比べ情報やチャートや情報が少ないですが、それに相対する情報が盛り込まれています。

Integrated Report(統合レポート)
Integrated Reportは、財務情報と企業の社会的持続可能性についてまとめたレポートです。


今や、30社以上企業や金融機関がiOS対応のアプリでアニュアルレポートを制作しています。米GE 社は特にアプリが充実していますので是非、ご覧になってみてください。


アニュアルレポートのトレンドとは(NIRI 2012年調査結果)






・Traditional Annual Report代わりに、Summary Annual Reportや10-K Wrapいずれかの様式を使用している傾向がある。


Latest Trends in Annual Reports



The annual report is one of the few chances during the year that company management gets to talk directly to its shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders. Some companies view it as a major marketing document, while others look at it like an expensive nuisance. Accordingly, annual reports come in all shapes and sizes, some extremely useful, some not very useful at all.

Here are the major types of annual reports you’ll see used in practice most frequently.

. Traditional Annual Report
Long-form report that includes detailed financial statements, shareholder letter, company overview, business models and future outlook, important initiatives, governance, management bios, etc.

. Summary Annual Report
Much shorter and much less detail than a traditional report. Usually just financial highlights without details financials and notes. Readers are referred to the 10-K for more details.

. 10-K Wrap
Growing in popularity because of lower production costs (for printing). The 10-K Wrap is the form 10-K filed by the company with the SEC, a front and back cover, and some editorial content (letter to investors, business overview, etc.) by the company (but much less information, charts, editorial information than a traditional annual report).

. Integrated Report
A new trend in reporting, more popular right now in Europe than the United States. An integrated report combines parts of traditional financial report with sustainability social responsibility.

“An integrated report is a concise communication about how an organization’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects, in the context of its external environment, lead to the creation of value in the short, medium and long term.” Source: http://www.theiirc.org

We’ll talk more about the integrated reports in the future.

. Online Reports and Annual Report Apps
While only a few companies are doing online-only reports, online disclosure is becoming a very important means of distributing annual reports and talking to shareholders. The SEC has relaxed rules on using social media to make investor relations announcements.

To date, more than 30 companies, financial institutions, and not-for-profits have created annual report apps for iOS. U.S. company GE in particular has put a lot of resources into their app.

Online reporting (and apps) will become an even greater part of annual report and investor relations communications, so we’ll deal with this in detail in a separate blog post.

Trends in Annual Reporting

According to the National Investor Relations Institute, these are some of the key trends in annual reports (2012 survey)

Latest Trends in Annual Reports

Key Points from NIRI 2012 annual report survey . 88% of 2012 respondents produce an annual report in some form, holding steady with 2010 results (87%), and down slightly from 2008 (91%).

. After four years of decline and after adjusting for inflation, median annual reports print budgets increased by two percent in 2012 (to $65,000).

.The median cost per printed annual report copy continued to increase, up 31% over 2010 and 44% since 2008.

. Electronic/online annual report budgets have experienced an increase of 30% over 2010; the average cost of producing an online report in 2012 was $15,330 (median=$5,000).

. In lieu of a traditional annual report, respondents continue to utilize alternative annual report formats such as the Summary Annual Report and the 10-K Wrap.

. Median printed annual report total length remains steady, between 51 to 100 pages.

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Eric Jackson エリック ジャクソン

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