

今回から数回に渡り良いアニュアルレポートをどうやって制作していくか、最も汎用的であるTraditional Annual Reportを基本にご紹介させていただきます。






– 従業員はいますか?
– 大切なビジネスパートナーもしくはベンダーがいますか?
– 資金調達をお考えですか? – カスタマーをお持ちですか?
– 出資者がいますか?







1. 表紙・裏表紙

2. At-a-Glance(アットアグランス)・事業概要

3. 目次

4. 財務ハイライト・重要な数値情報

5. 社長メッセージ

6. 財務情報の年間比較(通常は5年から10年の数値を比較)

7. 任意ページ (コンテンツとしてご提案いたしますが、ここからは必須項目ではありません)

–  セールス&マーケティング(営業戦略)
– ビジネスモデル – 経営戦略・成長要因
– パフォーマンスを図る主要な指標
– 目標と進捗
– 将来の展望(財務、製品、イニシアティブ)
– 主要な製品、製品開発 – MD&A(経営サイドからの経営分析)
– ガバナンス
– CSR(社会的責任)・サスティナビリティ(社会的持続性)
– セグメント情報・関連会社情報など – 経営理念・企業価値
– カスタマー、ベンダー、パートナー会社からの声

8. 株式情報(株価、配当金など)

9. 財務諸表および注記

10. 監査役の声、意見

11. 補足情報






For the next few weeks, we’re going to talk about what makes a good annual report. We’ll base our discussion on the traditional annual report (usually the most editorial content of all of the types of annual reports).
Before we go too far, though, let’s talk about what kinds of organizations should put out an annual report.
Most people think an annual report is the sole domain of public companies. But, here’s some food for thought (especially if you’re in company management). The annual report is a document that tells all of your stakeholders who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. It’s a chance to tell your story. It’s a chance to define your key performance indicators, to publicize your corporate goals, and to convincingly demonstrate who your leaders are who will be taking the organization toward those goals.
So, ask yourself:  Does you organization have employees? Do you have important business partners or vendors? Are you looking for funding? Do you have customers? Do you have donors? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you might want to think about creating an annual report. As a private company, you don’t have to disclose all of your financials or other secret information; but, I’m sure you have a lot of completely “shareable” information or annual highlights that your stakeholders would love to know! As a small- or mid-sized company, your annual report could simply be a two- or three-page letter–anything that will help you share your company’s progress and vision with the people and groups that are important to your success.
OK, let’s talk about designing an annual report for a public company. Today, we’re going to cover the major sections that go into an annual report. It’s just a 30,000-foot view, but this gives you an idea as to what you might want to include in your annual report when you’re in the planning stages.
So, without further ado, here are the major sections that you’ll find in most annual reports. The list is by no means exhaustive or all-inclusive, but it’s a good start.
. Front Cover and Back Cover
. At-a-Glance/Business Overview
. Table of Contents
. Financial Highlights/Important Figures
. Letter from the CEO
. Comparative Financials (usually between five and 10 years’ worth of numbers)
. Narrative Section (suggested content, but remember that the report must meet minimum reporting requirements)
  .. Sales and Marketing
  .. Business Model
  .. Business Strategies, Growth Drivers
  .. Key Performance Indicators
  .. Targets/Progress
  .. Future Outlook (financials, products, initiatives, etc.)
  .. Key products, Future Development
  .. Management’s Discussion and Analysis (also including risk, segment info, market trends, competition, etc.)
  .. Governance and Corporate Leadership
  .. Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability
  .. Other Company Info (regions, segments, subsidiaries, etc.)
  .. Corporate Mission Statement (company philosophy, values)
  .. Customer/Vendor/Business Partner Testimonials
[Some of the content described above could well be combined into one story/article/section]
. Stock Information (share prices, dividends, etc.)
. Financial Statements and Notes
. Auditor’s Opinion Letter
. Supplemental/Supporting Documentation
For the next few weeks, we’ll talk about each section in more detail, giving you examples of best practices using real-world annual reports.
Here are some of the websites we referenced for today’s post:


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Eric Jackson エリック ジャクソン

AdviserOne World Link Inc.
Does your international communications hold up to the world's best practices? Are you making critical mistakes that keep your global customers from understanding how special your products and services truly are? At One World Link, we tell your story to the world in effective, powerful language. You need to out-communicate the competition, no matter who they are. Let us help you. 日本語の紹介はこちら


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