You can certainly learn a lot in college. But you’re not making the best use of your time if you don’t also develop some real-world business skills.
You say you want to take on new challenges? To develop your global business chops? To mix with people working at world-class companies? To have a richer, more fulfilling life?
One World Link may be the place for you, and we’re hiring!
Send this information to the One World Link recruitment manager:
■ Required information:
Resume (education, work history, special qualifications, and achievements)
*Attach copies of any certificates attesting to your qualifications.
(1) Personal information that you provide will be used to respond to your application, to transmit
materials to you, and to provide you with information as part of the hiring process.
(2) Personal
information will not be provided to third parties (with the exception of One World Link contractors)
without your consent for any purpose other than the above.