One World Link looks after the physical and spiritual needs of every employee. We contribute to the globalization of Japan through world-class communication services and education.

Our Mission
Our client-centric approach means that we go above and beyond to understand your business objectives, allowing us to deliver solutions that align with your goals.
Our Vision
Make Japan a world-leading global communicator
Embrace a spirit of gratitude in all things. We strive to be thankful in the office, when serving clients, and in our daily lives.
Being thankful leads to being honest. Our highest goal is to be provide valuable services to our clients, sincerely and honestly.
BE Professional
Every employee understands the true meaning of our mission, pursuing our mission without compromise and with single-minded commitment.

Eric Jackson
B.A. Japanese Literature, Brigham Young University
M.Acc. (Accountancy), Brigham Young University
Investor Relations Consultant
Eric Jackson began his career as a financial auditor in the Deloitte Touch Tohmatsu Japanese Practice Unit (Los Angeles). There, Eric was called on to work with Japanese-speaking clients, produce English-language sales presentations for senior management, and serve as the main translator for Tohmatsu founding partner Iwao Tomita (speeches, books, internal communications, etc.). Since the year 2000, Eric has worked as an investor relations and marketing communications consultant, serving more than 200 publicly traded and other companies.
As an investor relations consultant, Eric has conducted one-day and two-day seminars on behalf of the Japan Investor Relations Association and other entities. In 2012, Eric and Mia Omatsuzawa partnered to form iinetto, a premier investor relations and marketing communications company located in Tokyo, Japan.

Hiroshi Matsuoka
eigoINSIGHT Instructor
After returning from studies in London in 2001, Mr. Matsuoka has led TOEICR seminars for university students and working people as a TOEICR school instructor. In five successive sittings for the TOEICR test, he achieved perfect scores of 990 (highest score possible). He has served as an adjunct lecturer at Azabu University, Gakushuin University, Tokyo Polytechnic University, and Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has also led TOEICR seminars at Rakuten, All Nippon Airways, and other leading companies.
Mr. Matsuoka has authored several books, including Visual English Grammar NAVI (Asahi Shuppansha, 2011) and Dealing with the TOEICR Test: English Native Eye (Japan Times, 2011), and has co-authored A Symposium of Critics (Otowa Tsurumi, 2012), The Wide World of Shakespeare (Sairyusha, 2011), The Body as Mirror of the World: From Shakespeare to Anime (published by the Graduate Course in Cultural Studies in Corporeal and Visual Representation, Gakushuin University, 2008), and Literature and History (Eikosha, 2014)
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